November 24, 2023

In the heart of every Spiritual Warrior Earth Family Leader is a deep connection with nature. 

We often find ourselves admiring the '50 shades of green' that nature offers, each shade telling its own story of growth, resilience, and harmony. But have you ever considered the dual nature of this color, mirroring our own emotional landscape?

The Duality of Green:

Green is a symbol of life, growth, and renewal. Yet, in many cultures, it also represents envy and jealousy – emotions we are often taught to suppress or despise. These 'darker' shades of green are as natural as their brighter counterparts, in our human experience.

My Personal Journey:

In 2009, in the depth of despair, I found myself struggling with envy. "Why does it seem so easy for others, and so hard for me?" Nature was not alarmed by my feelings. But I was... and it added to my already escalating panic attacks and anxiety. In desperation, every morning and every evening I would walk up the hill, mostly barefoot, to feel the dew, the grass and the earth under my feet. The sensations and the colours, the unconditional 'holding' literally healed me. It helped me to feel that envy was just communicating my deep desire for some ease and harmony.

Sitting under a tree, allowing emotions to visit, I learned that every feeling has a message. Nature, in its infinite wisdom, teaches us to embrace every emotion, not as a flaw, but as a messenger of depth and mystery.

(If you want some transmission of groundedness, download my 3-Minute Inner Peace Bundle here. In it I share with you the simple way to connect with your senses and experience yourself as deep, potent (not boring) peace)

Embracing Envy:

Envy is not an enemy but a natural and helpful emotion. It signals unacknowledged desires and aspirations. When we feel envy, it's an invitation to explore our deeper selves, much like observing the diverse shades of green in a forest.


As Spiritual Warrior Earth Family Leaders, we find comfort and wisdom in nature's colors. 

Next time you're outside, count the shades of green you see. Ask yourself, which shade resonates most with you, and what emotions does it evoke? (It's okay if it's 'envy' ;))

Our love of nature is more than a walk among trees:

it's a journey into the depths of our emotions and psyche. In every shade of green lies a lesson waiting to be uncovered, a part of ourselves to be embraced. Learn from these shades, find balance and harmony not only in the bright hues but also in the dark shadows.

Deep Love,

Ildiko <3

I am here...

If you feel moved to explore and discover more, I am here to support you.

Write a message to me here or sign up for a free discovery session today and lets start your journey towards a better future. Even if you decide that you don't want to work with me, you will have gained a lot of clarity and self-knowledge and that's well worth the time and effort.

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
