November 8, 2022

I first recognized Emerging Majesty in 2011 -

It was a felt experience in the midst of deep personal and family suffering.  

My absolute loss at how to parent our precious, full of life, fourth child, Matyi, was an irritating grain of sand in my shell, not yet turning into pearl. 

He came to our family in 1993, in the second year of our settling in Australia, from Hungary. It was a time of uprootedness, and both excitement and survival-stress. 

My old methods of mothering just did not work in our new environment

 We, his parents, lacked the kind of inner peace and connection that's necessary for confident parenting . Our energy and awareness were seriously limited. 

He missed out on adequate nurturing and lacked an unconditional invitation to be just as he was. He didn’t receive emotional rest to play and grow and optimally develop into his awesome, potential Majestic Self.

I saw this so clearly that day as I dropped him off at work, where he was an apprentice, at age 17.

This was just months before his accident.

 Oh, my goodness! We had a stormy few years behind us by then...

... trying to make sense of life, parenting, relationships in a familiar place: religion and ideology. 

Understandably, he was very restless. I was constantly anxious, worried, and had panic attacks. His father was focusing on preserving his own sanity so he could continue to provide food, clothes, and shelter for his ‘little rats’, as he affectionately called our children. 

On that nervous, sunny day 

I dropped him off in front of his work and he was standing there at the gate collecting himself before going on and starting his day. 

As I drove away, I looked into the mirror and I felt something emanating so strongly and so determinedly. It was holy and sacred, yet was surrounded with a body frustrated, angry, despairing, and devastated, deprived of favourable emotional circumstances neceassary for healthy emergence.

I sensed something breaking - his heart, my heart, our family, our life. Tears welled up and poured from my heart and eyes. I felt inadequate, weak, and helpless; in fear of not knowing how to be there for him.

I knew something specific was needed, yet had no support or guidance to tap into the energy that was always there, available. So tragic. So sad.

Months after his accident, 

determined to create his legacy and share his Gift with all who recognize its relevance, I recalled this moment as the Essence of the Life-Movement. This essence was indestructible and irresistible, yet its emergence was not inevitable... I could feel that... 

Emergence was dependent on a specific type of CONNECTION and care. It was there, like a seed, full of life force and potential... but the realisation of that potential was not inevitable

I tried to form the words to articulate this realisation. The awesomeness of what is present in every baby, child, man and woman; indeed in every being in Nature.

And in my heart I felt it: Emerging Majesty

The dignity and movement of Life, the glory of potential, the longing of Emergence!

It touched me so deeply. Wow! In a way we all have this seed-part of us longing, continuously. It is the longing that is trying, seeking, and trying again.

We know instinctively, that the unhurried and continous fulfilment of this longing is our purpose here. 

I believe that Matyi 'volunteered’ to come into this world as a Gift

to activate the kind of pressure often necessary for the letting go, hitting 'rock bottom', and trying a new way. 

He came to activate the irritating ‘grain of sand’ to produce a Pearl in his parents and his siblings.

He was here and left this legacy of great transformational value. 

The gift of insight and recognition of human potential and what it takes to realise it. 

The knowledge and sensing of the human development being natural but not inevitable, thus the need for favourable circumstances. 

The awareness of our vital role in creating those favourable circumstances so nature can do its work developing the embodiment of Emerging Majesty ... the potential of human experience.

Matyi lived and left behind a turbulent life to benefit many 

If you recognize this Gift. invite us to guide you on the path of love to the fulfilment of your own hidden, yet extraordinary potential: Emerging Majesty. You can write me a private message or leave a comment below and tell me what touched you and what you think. (the bold and underlined text is clickable ;))

Much love,

Ildikó xo

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
