March 4, 2024

I am taking my time with the transition 

as my daughter, Eszter, starts university. 

I'm noticing its effects on me and our home life. 

My husband, having provided for our family for 40 years, is tired. So we talk a lot about his retirement.

I am still training for business-woman life. 

Menopause is a wonderful transformer. 

After a few turbulent years, I feel better in myself than ever before—psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

I believe many of you reading this can relate.

I know you have something very precious that wants to emerge in this lifetime. 

I also know how it feels when it's stuck—the misery, the pain, and the struggle. 

I believe it's possible to feel significantly better, to feel good, whole, powerful. Even when things don't go or turn out as you desire.

I am here to offer everything I've learned through those difficult times and breakthroughs.

Don't be afraid to reach out. 

You will not be judged. 

I've faced the worst in myself and I know that even the darkest 'secrets' don't mean anything about who you really are.

I offer a Golden Guidance Akashic Reading or you can "SIT with ILDIKÓ" for immediate insights. 

There is also a Manifestation Package or a Healing Package for more ongoing support. 

I wish these pathways had been available to me decades ago...

Such is the inspiration for creating them and offering them from my heart.

They might have spared years of misery, pain, and struggle. Who knows?

But they are here now. Explore them if you are so moved.

The Problem:

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The Solution:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
