February 14, 2023

I confess: 

I love Love. but I don't know how to celebrate Valentine's Day.

So I celebrate by being gentle with myself, and tenderly opening to the idea of 'V-Day': 'tasting' and 'smelling' it from afar, contemplating what it actually means to me.

And I realise, that

Love is enough.

Love seems to be a quality we universally long for. Including trees, and animals. Love seems to be an essential ingredient of life.

Maybe Love is Life itself

The force of Benevolence. Goodwill. Delight. Warm affection and fierce devotion. Appreciation. Wanting to be with. Respect. Interest. Pleasure. Joy. Like... W

That which keeps the earth going around.

Love feels like an unconditional invitation to exist.

We want to receive love and we take pleasure in giving love too.

It feels terrible if /when our love is not accepted by others.

Love needs to flow. It needs movement.

Love is not the opposite of hatred. Love has no opposite. It exists beyond the realm of polarities.

I remember when I first had a felt sense of the eternal and indestructible existence of Love.

In the summer of 2010, I was at a lake and felt in awe of the beauty and magnificence. of nature. I heard the words with the ears of my heart:

Love loves...

I felt the existence of Love and its inseparable 'function'. Love loves. Daaa...aa...

What else can it do? It felt so obvious. Love just is. It does not depend on anything or anybody.

Wow! Such liberation. Such relief.

I felt the freedom to exist. The freedom to figure it out. The freedom to explore what that means. No punishment or threat to have to get it right.

Because if Love exists no matter what, you cannot ever lose it. You don't have to manufacture it. You don't have to try and force yourself to be it. It just is. Available. Freely.

You can tune in. You can feel it. You can sense it.

It feels like a life force. Life-energy. It flows. It shape-shifts.

The Great Mystery.

It's everywhere. It looks different in various circumstances. But you cannot go anywhere where it doesn't exist.

Love loves.

No matter where. No matter what.

The Constancy we seek. The Constancy that shape-shifts.

And as the essence of everything

Love has no opposite

Lots of ideas are circling that suggest that love and fear are opposites and that we are constantly choosing between love and fear.

How could we? Love loves fear. It doesn't exclude it.

Love says: "Dear Fear, I am here. Come here. Come near. It's safe. I'm here. Love loves. Love is here."

Ildi <3

The Invitation:

And that's what I am also saying. I am here when you need me. When you need an unconditional invitation to exist. 

Please contact me here if you are ready to do a 'Discovery Session' with me.

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