August 1, 2023

Your Home is Awareness

There's a song by Creed that always brings tears to my eyes. It transports me to a soft place, deep within my heart, where I feel a sense of belonging. This is the place of "I Am Home," the eternal presence that transcends time and space. It's the essence of awareness, always here, never starting or ending.

So, what is awareness? 

In the ancient Hebrew language, the word "sh'ma" means "very deep inner listening." It goes beyond hearing; it's the conduit through which we connect with life itself.

Life's greatest longing is to know itself. 

Through our experiences, relationships, and creations, we become aware of our true essence. Intimacy, the deepest form of connection, is about fully knowing and being known. It's a state of vulnerability where there are no secrets, where we can be fully accepted and cherished. 

Through listening we can 'know' ourselves in an intimate way, we can become aware of our awareness, our true inner sense of self.

Take a moment to breathe, 

allowing your body to relax. You are safe here, in this present moment (hopefully you would not be reading this if you were not physically safe).

Sing a soothing song or offer yourself a gentle lullaby.

Notice your noticing and feel the sensation of your body. Sense your awareness. Let awareness become aware of itself.

You are here, you exist. Relax further and listen more deeply. Notice with your entire being. Relax and notice.

What did you notice? 

Did you sense that awareness is not confined to the mind but encompasses your whole being? It's important to sense and understand this distinction.

Without awakened awareness, our survival instincts take charge, running the show with their well-meaning but limited perspective. 

Like child-soldiers they are doing their best to serve us well.

However, their purpose isn't to help us unfold into the divine beings we are meant to be.

They are here to save us from every perceived 'danger' that they identify according to their early programming (based on childhood or ancestral traumatic experiences)

Our survival system operates through alarm activation, desperate attempts to close gaps and navigate challenges.

There's nothing wrong with this system; 

it's a brilliant mechanism designed to ensure our survival and connection when we're immature and unable to meet our own needs. 

Everything within us is intelligent and inherently benevolent.

The alarm activation, left to its own devices, however, will eventually exhaust itself, leaving behind restlessness, boredom, aggression, and agitation.

Awareness has the capacity to meet the alarm activation and guide it towards rest.

 It's awareness that allows the heart to rest, relax, and return to its natural state, empowering the mind with the strength and courage derived from the heart. We call this Heart Awareness.

Sometimes, it's challenging to welcome awareness. 

Our body and mind have experienced hurt, shock, and trauma, and they're hesitant to let go of their protective stance. They constantly scan for potential dangers, ready to defend our vulnerability.

This hyper-alert state serves a purpose, but it's important to reassure our body and mind that it's safe to rest. Inner rest, not just physical stillness, is the key to healing and finding peace within.

The body-mind with the nervous system has a very keen sense to know when it can relax, when it can trust Caring Awareness being truly present.

Remember, it is not a problem to have a problem. 

Life is an ongoing project of getting to know itself, and you are an integral part of this grand exploration.

As you welcome your awareness, practice and master deep listening and embrace the healing process, you will be at rest, and develop those parts of you that were frozen in alarm and desperation...

At the same time you will find that uncovering your purpose and making a meaningful contribution to the world is a natural outcome of the healing process. 

Love, Truth, and Peace,

Ildiko <3

I am here...

If you feel moved to explore and discover more, I am here to support you.

Write a message to me here or sign up for a free discovery session today and lets start your journey towards a better future. Even if you decide that you don't want to work with me, you will have gained a lot of clarity and self-knowledge and that's well worth the time and effort.

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
