July 3, 2023

Accessing inner peace and being able to self-regulate 

is crucial for those of us who are seeking to fulfill our life's calling. 

Inner peace enables us to remain focused, centred, and calm, even when faced with challenging situations. This, in turn, allows us to make better decisions in the moment, and preserve important relationships.

Also, inner peace is the state of 'neutral' from which we can ease into our potential and true creativity. (And I'm not talking about 'artistic' creativity here but the depth of a human containing their potential - what they are here to be, to do, create and contribute to the emergence of love and truth on this earth). 

Being able to access inner peace makes us naturally confident. 

It also helps to stay motivated, and work towards our visions and desires with greater clarity and purpose.

Research has shown that anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 40 million adults experience anxiety each year, making it one of the most common mental health disorders. 

In Australia, anxiety is also a prevalent mental health concern. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2020, an estimated 2.6 million Australians (or around 11% of the population) experienced anxiety disorders. This highlights the significant impact anxiety has on individuals and the importance of addressing it to fulfill their potential and life calling.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in Europe, my place of origin, around 84 million people experience anxiety disorders annually. This accounts for approximately 14% of the population in the European region.

I feel that a huge number of people do not even recognise that they are experiencing 'anxiety', 

as it is their 'baseline', the way they always operated.

This was my story too... I only realised that I 'had anxiety' when it became severe and hard to bear.

When undetected or left untreated, anxiety can have a significant impact on an individual's ability to function in daily life and pursue their visions.

It feels like running on empty, 'just getting by', 'surviving', being in the 'rat race'...

This can lead to a lack of motivation, 'procrastination', and difficulties in achieving our full potential. 

On the contrary,

those who can access their inner peace and regulate their emotions are better equipped to handle stressful situations and remain aligned with their visions.

To access inner peace quickly and self-regulate, we can engage in practices such as presence-meditation, deep breathing exercises, and somatic movements or yoga. 

These practices can help us develop deeper self-awareness, increase our ability to manage stress, and enhance our overall well-being.

In my experience, these practices are excellent to start us off on the path of healing and emerging. Soon, however, we find that there is something still missing... we are not fully empowered.

One of these missing links is our regular use of our senses.

Retraining our brain to relax into receiving and processing information through the senses is a huge breakthrough on the journey.

Of course, we have a good reason for having disconnected from our senses. But that is a topic for a future article. 

In the meantime, I recommend gently reintroducing connection with the senses and experiencing how quickly and effectively it grounds you and helps you find your natural state of inner peace.

To support you in this endeavour, I have created a bundle 

that includes an instructional video where I demonstrate the technique and guide you through an easy 3-minute practice. 

Additionally, a printable PDF cheatsheet is provided as a reminder until the steps become ingrained in your memory. 

Feedback from individuals who have tried this method confirms its memorability, which is a significant advantage considering the difficulty of recalling similar tools in moments of need. 

Moreover, the downloadable audio of the steps can be kept on your phone for quick access when triggered.

Truthfully, these methods serve well as 'first aid' tools, offering relief in the moment, but they do not provide the deep healing necessary to prevent future triggers. 

However, while working on healing our triggers, having a quick and effective response to survival activation is invaluable. 

Accessing inner peace quickly and being able to self-regulate is essential for you if you are seeking to heal and fulfil your life's purpose and calling. It will make your life (and the lives of your loved ones) so much more enjoyable. 

Love, Truth, and Peace,

Ildikó <3

P.S. Download the bundle (if you haven't yet) here...

P.P.S. Let the power of inner peace guide you towards living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

I am here...

If you feel moved to explore yourself, as Peace, and discover your purpose and calling, I am here to support you.

Write a message to me here or sign up for a free discovery session today and let's start your journey towards a better future. Even if you decide that you don't want to work with me, you will have gained a lot of clarity and self-knowledge and that's well worth the time and effort.

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
