October 6, 2023

Have you ever felt truly seen and felt when spending quality time in Nature? 

Maybe you have. If you haven't yet, I just want to tell you—it's grounding and transformational. 

When you hug a tree, there's a sense that the tree hugs you back. That is Nature's gift to us—a mirror to our inner world. A reminder that we are part of the heart of the cosmos, like interconnected roots beneath the Earth's surface.

As part of Nature, we are also elemental beings.

Just like Earth has her elements—fire, water, air, earth—so do we carry within us elements of emotions. They may seem erratic at times; anger can flare up like fire, sorrow can flow like water, anxiety can shake us like a wind, joy can ground us like earth. But remember, each emotion comes with a message, pointing you towards your inner truth.

Our natural boundaries are extensions of our inner world. 

They are simply our wants and dislikes: "I like this," "I don't want that," "This brings me joy," "That doesn't serve me." Just like a cat purrs when content and a dog barks when alarmed, we too have our own signals. Recognizing them is the first step toward creating a life that resonates with your truest self.

It's important to remember that our truest truth is always loving and includes everybody's highest good. 

So, our natural boundaries are never mean. Even if they may 'hurt,' they never harm. In fact, they support the essence of everything and everybody, aligning us with a purpose greater than ourselves.

As we unveil our true selves, an incredible thing happens. We start to harmonize not just with our inner world but with everything around us. Your authentic self is not just a set of boundaries; it's a powerful force, a life of empowerment, love, and harmony.


Ildikó xo

I am here...

If you feel moved to explore and discover more, I am here to support you.

Download my 3-Minute Inner Peace Bundle to activate your senses and learn to easily regulate your nervous system. Believe me, spending time in Nature can immensely help with this.

Write a message to me here or sign up for a free discovery session today and lets start your journey towards a better future. Even if you decide that you don't want to work with me, you will have gained a lot of clarity and self-knowledge and that's well worth the time and effort.

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Download Ildikó's  "3-Minute Inner-Peace & Instant Presence" Bundle
