We visited a waterfall yesterday.After a few hours of enjoying the cool water, the sounds of birds and the flow, and the smell of earth and leaves, we spotted a snake-like creature in the water. We think it was an eel but at first, it definitely moved us to caution. Alarm’s job is to move us

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Endings are deaths.Death is separation. We don’t like endings, deaths, or separation. The most popular teachings these days say, ‘Accept.’ ‘Allow.’ ‘Surrender.’ ‘Don’t resist.’ I say, accept your non-acceptance.It’s okay to not like endings.It’s safe to not like death. It’s okay to feel sad, mad, and even scared when separation is inevitable or even just anticipated. It’s safe

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This Peace Lily needs waterThis is our Peace Lily. We found it very sad when we returned from our holidays. My son (Istvan Haag Jr) took the elapsed photos, and my daughter, Eszter, turned into into a gif). We did water the Peace Lily, and it feels healthy again. Water is symbolic of feelings. Emotions work

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Do you like going to sleep?Or do you find yourself resisting your bedtime? Staying up far too long? (I am publishing this blog post at 10.30 pm… I far under estimated how long this process will take)  ðŸ˜‰ Not having enough rest and noticing that lack of sleep is causing you a lack of focus, distress,

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