For a loooong time, I’ve dreamed … of offering a special kind of ‘reading’ to my soul-clients that makes them feel seen, heard, and deeply cared for.  I envisioned a care that considers their past, present, and future, providing reliable, personalized, and deeply connected guidance for their highest good and the highest good of all.My journey into

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We all have triggers(At least I hope that I’m not the only one… :)) In our journey of life, we often get confronted by triggers that challenge us and our connections with those closest to us, including ourselves.  Whether it’s fear of vulnerability (we all have it), difficulties in communication (we’re all learning), or a struggle with

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Do you ever feel like you’re living life on autopilot,going through the motions without really being present? Reconnecting with your senses can help you feel more alive and connected to the world around you, while also promoting a sense of inner peace and calm.Here are five easy and pleasant ways to incorporate reconnecting with your

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